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Psychologists/therapists in private practice vary in fees, although typically charge around $180-$250 per 50 min session. Initial appointments may be longer and incur a higher fee.


Specialised assessments and report writing are either charged at set rates or per hour of writing.


Adult ADHD assessments typically range from $1600 – $1800.

Adult ASD assessments are currently $1000-1600 (depending on the clinician and report inclusion). 


Dietitians fees may also vary, although initial assessments are typically $230 for a 60-90 min session. Follow up sessions are $200 for a 1 hour follow up and $115 for a 30 minute follow up.


Funding options: 

Some insurance policies provide subsidies for Clinical Psychology services. Please check with your insurance company prior to seeking therapy if you are reliant on this funding.


Some clients may meet criteria for partial funding for therapy via WINZ: https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/products/a-z-benefits/disability-allowance.html


ACC provides funding for therapy related to sexual trauma that occurred in New Zealand through the Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims pathway: https://www.acc.co.nz/im-injured/types-of-ongoing-support/counselling-therapy/


Some of our clinicians contract to the CDHB and provide psychological care under the Transgender Wellbeing package. A GP referral is required to access these services.


Those who were directly impacted by the March 15 Mosque Shootings may be eligible for funded treatment via ACC or Victim Support.